compliance corner
Newly Adopted Legislation

Eric Baumgartner,
Associate Athletics Director
for Compliance
The NCAA and its membership adopted 14 new rules which went into effect August 1, 2020. Two of the more impactful new rules are proposal numbers 2019-116: Graduate Student Transfer and 2019-119: Exempted Need-Based Financial Aid and are explained below.
2019-116: Graduate Student Transfer
This rule provides student-athletes who graduated from a four-year college other than UVA an opportunity to enroll in post-baccalaureate programs at UVA, like those student-athletes who earned their undergraduate degree from UVA. Graduate level transfer student-athletes now have the choice of pursuing a specific graduate degree program at UVA or enrolling as full-time students taking classes toward any UVA degree and becoming immediately eligible to play any sport at UVA.
Prior to the rule change, graduate level transfer student-athletes must have been admitted and enrolled in a specific graduate degree program.
2019-119: Exempted Need-Based Financial Aid
This rule allows our equivalency sports to exempt need-based aid from their NCAA-legislated team equivalency. At UVA, need-based aid is provided by the institution under the UVA ACCESS program. Under the ACCESS program, any self-help aid (federal loans and work study) can be replaced with athletics aid and is now exempt from the team’s NCAA maximum equivalency limit. The rule change allows a student-athlete to receive both ACCESS and athletics aid, with only the athletics aid being countable toward the team’s NCAA equivalency.
Prior to the rule change, if a student-athlete received athletics aid and ACCESS aid, both types of aid would be countable toward the team’s NCAA equivalency.